Masuk Daftar

turut berbaris bahasa Inggris

  • turut:    obey; comply; abide by; follow
  • berbaris:    draw up in line; drawing up in line; drawn up in
  • berbaris:    draw up in line; drawing up in line; drawn up in line; drew up in line; line up; lined up; lining up; march; marched; marching; file; demonstrate; promenade; array; procession; parade; queue up; ran
  • berbaris dengan:    range with; ranged with; ranging with
  • berbaris memanjang:    string out
  • ikut berbaris:    fall into the ranks; fallen into the ranks; falling into the ranks; fell into the ranks
  • pancaragam berbaris:    marching band
  • berturut-turut:    in a row; in succession; one after another; one after the other; respectively; succession; successively; consecutive; running; successive; sequence; in order; sequent; turn-about; chronological succ
  • tahan turut:    backstay
  • turut campur:    interference; step in; interfere; intervene; interpose
  • turut minum:    take a drop; taken a drop; taking a drop; took a drop
  • turut nasehat:    act on advice; acted on advice; acting on advice
  • turut serta:    had a share; have a share; having a share
  • turut-menurut:    simulate; abide by; follow; comply; imitate; copy
  • turut-turutan:    model; pattern